Horario de Atención Lun - Vie 8.00 am - 6.00 pm

19. Sustainable development and environmental management

We commit to integrate national environmental policy with economic, social, cultural and land management policies, to contribute to overcome poverty and achieve sustainable development in Peru. We also commit to institutionalize environmental, public and private management, to protect biological diversity, facilitate sustainable use of natural resources, ensure environmental protection and promote sustainable towns and cities, which will help to improve the living conditions, especially of the most vulnerable population in the country.

With this objective, the State: (a) will strengthen environmental management institutional framework optimizing coordination between civil society, national environmental authority, sectorial and decentralized management levels within the framework of a national environmental management system; (b) will promote responsible and informed participation of the private sector  and civil society in environmental decisions and surveillance of compliance and will foster greater environmental awareness; (c) will promote land management, management of basins, costal marine areas, as well as  the recuperation of degraded environment, considering territory vulnerability; (d) will foster application of environmental management instruments, favoring prevention and clean production; (e) will include natural and environmental resource supply valuation in the national accounts, as well as environmental degradation and internalization of environmental costs; (f) will stimulate environmental investment and technological transfer to generate industrial, mining, transport, sanitation and energy activities that are clear and more competitive, as well as sustainable use of forest resources, bio technology, bio trade and tourism; (g) will permanently promote and evaluate efficient use of soil, underground, water and air preservation and conservation, preventing negative environmental externalities; (h) will acknowledge and defend traditional indigenous knowledge and culture, regulating their protection and recording, access and distribution of benefits from genetic resources; (i) will promote urban management, as well as comprehensive management of urban and industrial waste stimulating its reduction, reuse and recycle; (j) will strengthen environmental education and research; (k) will implement the Environmental Impact Evaluation System to ensure citizen participation, multisectorial coordination and business compliance with environmental protection criteria and conditions; (l) will regulate elimination of sound pollution; (m) will comply with international treaties concerning environmental management, and will facilitate international cooperation participation and support to recover and maintain ecologic balance; and (n) will develop the National Trade and Environment Strategy.

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+51 319 7022