Horario de Atención Lun - Vie 8.00 am - 6.00 pm

3. Affirmation of national identity

We commit to consolidate an integrated Peruvian nation, respectful of its values, its millenary heritage and its ethnic and cultural diversity, related to the world and projected to the future.

With this objective, the State: a) will promote protection and dissemination of the country’s historical memory; b) will develop actions to promote solidarity as the foundation of coexistence, strengthening coincidences and stimulating tolerance and respect to differences, so as to build an authentic unity among all Peruvians; and c) will promote a broadly shared vision of the future, supported on values that lead to individual and collective progress to permit an harmonic national development which is open to the world.

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Jr. de la Unión Nro.264 – Tercer Piso, Lima – Perú
+51 319 7022