24. Affirmation of an efficient and transparent State
We commit to build and maintain an efficient, effective, modern and transparent State to serve the people and their rights, and to promote development and good market and public utility operation. We also commit to have the State respond to population demands and ensure their participation in managing public and social policies, as well as in the regulation of public utilities in the three government levels. We guarantee appropriate representation and defense of users of these services, protection to consumers and autonomy of regulatory organizations.
With this objective, the State: (a) will increase coverage, quality and speed in procedures, as well as in public utility supply. To do so, it will establish and regularly evaluate basic service standards the State will guarantee to the population; (b) will establish continuous improvement mechanisms in public administration for the allocation, execution, quality and control of fiscal expenditure; (c) will provide access to information on public plans, programs, projects, budgets, financial operations, acquisitions and expenditure, projected or executed in each government region, department, province, district or instance; (d) it will implement citizen control instruments to guarantee transparency and accountability at all government instances; (e) will eradicate proselitist use of the State and creation of clienteles; (f) will improve the State’s management capacity through comprehensive public administration reform at all levels; (g) will reduce access costs to public goods and services; and (h) will revalue and strengthen civil service career, promoting entrance and permanence of civil servants that show high competence and moral solvency.