20. Science and technology development
We commit to strengthen the country’s capacity to generate and use scientific and technological knowledge, to develop human resources and to improve natural resource management and business competitiveness. Similarly, we commit to increase research activities and control of obtained results, duly and specifically evaluating them. We also commit to allocate more financial resources through public deeds that lead to selecting the best research and projects, as well as to protect intellectual property.
With this objective, the State: (a) will allocate more resources, apply tax regulations and foster other financing modalities aimed at educating human resources, at scientific research, at improving research infrastructure and technological innovation; (b) will create mechanisms that will rise the scientific research level and technological development at universities, research institutes and corporations; (c) will seek to train highly qualified human resources in the productive sectors that are most promising for the national economy; (d) will develop national and regional productive, social and environmental impact programs; and (e) will promote among the population, particularly among youth and childhood, creativity, the experimental method, critical and logical reasoning and affection for nature and society through the mass media.